Arkansas Academy of Science


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As a member of the Arkansas Academy of Science, you help Arkansas students obtain college degrees as well as support the advancement and diffusion of science in Arkansas.
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  • Annual Meeting
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AAS Journal Editor Needed: Please contact Dr. David A McClellan for more information about the position.

The Arkansas Academy of Science began meeting in 1917 as a group of scientists wishing to establish regular avenues of communication with one another and promote science and the dissemination of scientific information in the state. The Academy is a volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan, non-political, professional organization consisting of scientists who pay dues to join with other scientists to promote science in the state and region. The specific areas of science include (but are not limited to) Medicine, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Astronomy, Botany, Plant Science, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Engineering, Geology, Environmental Science and Conservation, and Terrestrial and Aquatic Invertebrate and Vertebrate Zoology.

The funds generated by the Academy annual membership dues provide students with assistance to attend college, conduct research, and provide for travel, supplies, and other expenses through grants and awards. They also support the annual meeting of the Academy. They are also used for encouragement to Arkansas students access to college and attainment of college degrees. By further promoting the work of Arkansas students, the Academy increases collaboration among the scientific community and provides a more comprehensive network for scientific academics. These endeavors promote a higher standard of education within Arkansas and will encourage and promote a higher quality of life through educational opportunities.

The Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science is published yearly in April containing the proceedings of the scientific contributions from the previous Academy meeting. It is distributed to libraries in 30 of our 50 states, 25 foreign countries, is included in at least ten abstracting services, and is listed in the State Academies of Science Abstracts.

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Arkansas Junior Academy of Science
  • Arkansas Science and Humanities Symposium
  • Arkansas State Science Fair
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